Risk appetite, the risk management process, and associated mitigating activities and controls are all essential elements of the Group’s strategic and operational planning processes.

Risk appetite

4imprint’s business model means that it may be affected by numerous risks, not all of which are within its control. The Board seeks to take a balanced approach to the risks and uncertainties that it faces, encouraging an appetite for measured risk-taking that contributes to both the operational agility and innovative culture that it believes is necessary to meet the Group’s strategic objectives. That risk appetite is, however, tempered by risk identification, evaluation and management.

Risk management process

The Board has ultimate responsibility for oversight and management of risk and control across the Group. The Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities to maintain effective governance and oversight of the Group’s risk management and internal controls.

Risks are identified through a variety of sources, including internally from within the Group including the Board, operational and functional management teams and the Group Environmental and Business Risk Management Committees, and externally, to ensure that emerging risks are considered. Risk identification focuses on those risks which, if they occurred, have the potential to have a material impact on the Group and the achievement of its strategic, operational and compliance objectives. Risks are categorised into the following groups: strategic risks; operational risks; reputational risks; and environmental risks.

Management is responsible for evaluating each significant risk and implementing specific risk mitigation activities and controls with the aim of reducing the resulting residual risk to an acceptable level, as determined in conjunction with the Group’s risk appetite. The Business Risk Management Committee (BRMC) meets at least three times a year and reviews the consolidated Group risk register and the mitigating actions and controls and provides updates to the Audit Committee on a bi-annual basis. This process is supplemented with risk and control assessments completed by the operating locations and Group function annually.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The Group's current principal risks and uncertainties can be download here.